WASD to move, P to Pause, and Mouse to look and interact.

Descend into the depths while trying to unravel the dark mystery of your loved one's disappearance inside the Laboratory and Imaging Facility Transport (or L.I.F.T).

Use the in-built control panel to operate the unit, the sonar gives feedback on surrounding objects or entities. 

Use the imaging facility station to take analog photographs from one of the unit's sides. 

For your safety, avoid operating the airlock and exiting the unit except in the case of an emergency.

In case of an emergency, an oxygen suit has been provided, equip the suit before using the airlock, and then plug in the oxygen tether to the unit. Avoid unplugging or overstretching the tether as it will likely lead to failure in the oxygen supply.


This game is currently in development using a CDCI workflow, which allows for the game to be re-built and deployed automatically.

A gradual improvement will be seen as the development process advances, so stay in tune!

-- More about the game

Behind the scenes

We've configured this particular project with Unity's New Input System, which allows for different input methods, such as WASD + Mouse, or a Gamepad of the player's choice (ie Switch Pro Controller, Dualshock, or other xInput device).

The game also uses the Universal Render Pipeline, an assortment of Post Processing layers and volumes that were configured to create the overall look and feel.

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